Money Skills

As part of our passion for Financial Education, we deliver a large variety of class-based sessions, story-cafes and assemblies to every year group from Nursery to Year 6, including bespoke session to complement class topics. The sessions cover themes of saving, needs and wants, spending, budgeting and even tax!

  • Research has shown that children form lifelong habits from an early age. The Money Advice Service’s report, ‘Habit  Formation and Learning in Young Children’ (May 2013) confirms that adult money habits are set by the age of seven  years old.

  • Their subsequent survey into the financial capability of children and young people in Wales, found that 9 in 10  young people who said they had learned about money management in school said it was useful, but that only 35% of  children aged 7-17 say they have learned about money at school and only 7% have talked to their teachers about  money.

  • It is for this reason that financial education has become a key part of the school curriculum in Wales. The Welsh  Assembly Government suggests that schools are in a unique position to reach all sections of the community, particularly  those that may become far harder to reach in the future and that, “now more than ever, it is important that school  leavers have the financial skills to take them into the next stage of their lives”.

Bridgend School Savings
Bridgend School Savings
Bridgend School Savings