St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School
St. Mary’s became Bridgend LifeSavers’ first school saving scheme when it launched in February 2015. Originally run with the support of their Family Engagement Officer, it has been run for the last few years by Mr. Wooding. The school has always had the support of the staff and senior leaders and were, from the outset, determined to run it as part of their school day.

St. Robert's RC Primary School
St. Robert’s is one of the most recent additions to the Bridgend LifeSavers school savings scheme, launching in January 2018. It is currently run by Mrs. Daly, who was involved with our first school savings scheme at St. Mary’s, as the Family Engagement Officer. The school currently has 133 members, or over 65% of children enrolled at the school.
Oldcastle Primary School
After a pledge from the school to give every new saver £2.00 to open their credit union account, Oldcastle’s savings club opened on 24th November 2017. It was an immediate success, with Year 4 pupils taking advantage of the practical experience gained running the savings club each week. The 1st week saw 76 savers, saving over £340 of their pocket money. Since then, the membership has increased to over 250 members with average weekly collections of £511.70 (September 2019 – March 2020).

Corneli Primary School
The savings scheme opened in 2015 with 63 members signed up by the end of the first year but weekly savers averaged under 10, with a high of 18 in 2016.
The school and credit union were determined to make the savings club thrive and, following a meeting with Governors and the Headteacher, the Club was re-launched.